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The New Mexico State Bar Foundation’s Modest Means Helpline is proud to announce that it has officially expanded the hours callers can access the helpline to Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. (MT. This will give New Mexican residents of modest means more access to the free services of the Modest Means Helpline.
The Modest Means Helpline, launched in October 2022, provides brief legal advice in many civil areas of law to New Mexico residents with incomes below 500% of the federal poverty guidelines. The most common legal issues we advise include domestic relations, landlord/tenant and housing issues, small business issues, consumer debt issues and probate.
“We are happy to expand our hours and provide free legal advice and services to more New Mexicans of modest means,” said Kasey Daniel, Esq., Legal Services Director for the New Mexico State Bar Foundation. “Empowering those in need to better represent themselves in court and hopefully find a resolution is at the core of what the Modest Means Helpline does.”
The Modest Means Helpline can be reached at 505-797-6013 or 888-857-9935.
For more information about the Modest Means Helpline and its services, please visit www.sbnm.org/MMH.
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