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On Dec. 6, 2023, the Supreme Court of New Mexico officiated the swearing-in of Erinna M. “Erin” Atkins as President of the State Bar of New Mexico for 2024. In addition to President-Elect Atkins’ swearing-in, Aja N. Brooks was sworn in as the President-Elect and Allison H. Block-Chavez as the Secretary-Treasurer.
The swearing-in took place at La Fonda in Santa Fe, N.M., where many from New Mexico’s legal community gathered alongside the Justices of the New Mexico Supreme Court to celebrate incoming President Atkins. Also in attendance were the incoming officers’ friends, colleagues and families.
“Each and every year, we have a few people stepping up to the call that we are excited as a court to work with,” Chief Justice C. Shannon Bacon stated, recognizing the degree of collaboration between New Mexico’s legal institutions.
“I am very excited to go on this journey with Erin and Allison. I am very happy to follow in [State Bar President Benjamin I. Sherman’s] footsteps,” 2024 President-Elect Brooks said in her remarks, which also honored State Bar Presidents in years past as integral to the institution’s legacy.
“I am the first woman from Alamogordo, New Mexico to ever be a State Bar President,” 2024 State Bar President Atkins stated, acknowledging the new milestone. “I stand here in the wake of Justice Sandra Day O’Connor’s passing, and I see these amazing women who have given me that kind of opportunity in my life. I am currently serving with a Secretary-Treasurer and President-Elect who are amazing, strong women.”
The ceremony concluded with a few of the State Bar’s Past Presidents offering brief remarks on the significance of the role and wishing President Atkins all the best as she navigates her position as President in 2024.
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