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New Mexico Lawyer

The New Mexico Lawyer is a compilation of editorial articles published periodically in the Bar Bulletin. Each issue focuses on a single topic of current interest to a broad segment of the legal community. Contributing authors are primarily members of the State Bar of New Mexico; however, recognized experts, government representatives and leaders of private and public organizations and institutions are also featured from time to time. The State Bar of New Mexico Board of Editors welcomes submissions and ideas for topics and encourages Bar members and groups to become involved in the publication of the New Mexico Lawyer. The ideas and opinions expressed in the New Mexico Lawyer are not necessarily endorsed by the Board of Editors or by the State Bar of New Mexico. For more information about the New Mexico Lawyer, contact Brandon McIntyre, Communications Coordinator, at

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The Bar Bulletin's loyal readership includes more than 8,000 members of the legal community. Capitalize on the specialized readership of the New Mexico Lawyer and place an advertisement for your firm or company! To find out more about advertising in the New Mexico Lawyer, contact

About the New Mexico Lawyer


Family Section


Access to Justice
Protecting Clients and Promoting the Profession: Important Programs and Practices That Do Both
Business Law
Intellectual Property Law


Family Law
Lawyers Professional Liability and Insurance Committee
Cannabis Law


• Intellectual Property Law, June
• Employment and Labor Law, July
Animal Law & Natural Resources, Energy and Environmental Law, October


• Bankruptcy Law, Bankruptcy Law Section, February 
• Living in the Light—It's About You, Judges and Lawyers Assistance Program (May)
• Family Law, Family Law Section (August)
• Ethics and Professionalism (November)


• Steering ADR Into the Future—Discussions and Updates on Alternative Dispute Resolution, Alternative Methods of Dispute Resolution Committee, July 2018
• Criminal Law, September 2018
• Intellectual Property Law, Criminal Law Section, October 2018
• Tax Law, December 2018


• Current Issues in Tax Law, Taxation Section, February 2017
• Real Property, Trust and Estate Law, Real Property, Trust and Estate Section, May 2017
• Changing Times—Challenges that Face Today's Public Lawyer, Public Law Section, August 2017
• Recent Developments in Employment and Labor Law, Employment and labor Law Section, November 2017


• Current Trends in Immigration Law for the Non-Immigration Lawyer, Immigration Law Section, November 2016
• Entertainment Law in New Mexico: Updates for 2016, Intellectual Property Law Section, August 2016
• Red in Tooth & Claw: Issues in Animal Law, Animal Law Section, May 2016 (PDF)
• Family Law—Changing Rules for Changing Times, Family Law Section, February 2016 (PDF)


• Current Issues in Bankruptcy Law, Bankruptcy Law Section, November 2015 (PDF)
• New Rules, Prosecutors Section, August 2015 (PDF)
• Intellectual Property Law, May 2015 (PDF)
• Employment and Labor Law, The hazy issue of medical marijuana, and other hot topics in Employment Law, February 2015 (PDF)


• Health Law, November 2014 (PDF)
• Elder Law, August 2014 (PDF)
• Appellate Law, Appellate Practice Section, May 2014 (PDF)
• Hot Topics in IP Law, Intellectual Property Law Section, February 2014 (PDF)


• Wildlife Law, Animal Law Section, November 2013 (PDF)
• Trailblazers All, Committee on Women and the Legal Profession, August 2013 (PDF)
• Lawyering Under the Volcano: Keeping Sane and Sober in the 21st Century, New Mexico Judges and Lawyers Assistance Committee, May 2013 (PDF)
• The Internet and Social Media: Friends and Foes, Intellectual Property Law Section, February 2013