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Best Practices Tips

PDP Tip of the Week

PDP Tip of the Week: Ongoing Communicaton With Clients

PDP Tip of the Week: Early Communications With Clients

PDP Tip of the Week: Conflict Checks

PDP Tip of the Week: Non-Engagement or Disengagement Letters to Perspective Clients

PDP Tip of the Week: The Importance of the Client Screening Process



Video Clips

Professional Virtual Appearances: A Message from the Chief Justice

The last year has seen many changes in the way lawyers and courts conduct business. One of the most obvious changes is the increased reliance on virtual platforms, such as Google Meets, Polycom Realpresence, and Zoom, to conduct hearings and trials. While often necessary and sometimes convenient for the lawyers, the parties, witnesses, and the court, it is important to always remember that virtual hearings and trials are still formal court proceedings. Please view the video for reminders of proper virtual appearances.


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