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More New Mexico Pro Bono Opportunities

Opportunities for Prono Service and Resources for the Public Calendars:



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The Pro Bono & Volunteer Opportunities Calendar displays numerous channels for volunteerism in New Mexico's legal community, from events encouraging pro bono representation to workshops inspiring more engagement with access to justice.

Pro Bono Collaborative ECHO:

Pro Bono Collaborative ECHO will create an innovative learning community that will eventually become a statewide collaboration dedicated to providing pro bono legal services to low-income, rural New Mexicans.

VAP Pro Bono Collaborative ECHO participants will:

  • Engage in a virtual community with their peers where they share support, guidance, and feedback;
  • Build a collective understanding of how to disseminate and implement bestpractices across diverse disciplines;
  • Use an All teach/All Learn framework to expand the pro bono community in New Mexico.The VAP Pro Bono Collaborative ECHO sessions will

include three critical pieces:

  • Introductions/announcements: Building a community among participants;
  • Case Presentations: Learn from real scenarios;
  • Topic Presentation: A subject matter expert will provide information on a topic that the network has requested and will be available to answer questions.
  • The continuous loop of learning, mentoring, and peer support will make these sessions unique, with a long-lasting impact far beyond that of a webinar, CLE or single meeting!

Please visit for more information about Project ECHO and visit to sign up to participate and join the email list to receive updates and session information.

Upcoming VAP Pro Bono Collaborative CLE Sessions:

The Volunteer Attorney Program (VAP) of New Mexico Legal Aid offers FREE CLE sessions through its Pro Bono Collaborative ECHO project.
The VAP Pro Bono Collaborative ECHO is a resource and learning tool that seeks to expand the knowledge and expertise of volunteer attorneys across the state through tele-mentorship, while building a collaborative community of practice focused on the legal needs of low-income rural New Mexicans. Each interactive CLE session offers a Topic Presentation and a Case Study for discussion. By joining the VAP Pro Bono Collaborative ECHO, you will have full access to all session material and resources and you consent to receive pro bono opportunities for consideration.

To join the Pro Bono Collaborative ECHO and attend upcoming sessions, sign up at

Click on the image to enlarge to view list of upcoming CLEs. 

Donate to the New Mexico Innocence and Justice Project

The New Mexico Innocence and Justice Project is an independent, §501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that works to free the innocent, overturn wrongful convictions, and create a fair, science-based, and equitable criminal justice system for everyone.

Contributions to NMIJP satisfy the §24-108 NMRA Pro bono publico service rule which requires NM attorneys to either do 50 hours of pro bono work per year or donate $500 "to organizations that provide legal services to persons of limited means in New Mexico".

You can either donate at our website,, or send a check payable to the New Mexico Innocence and Justice Project, P.O. Box 36719, Albuquerque, NM 87176.

Unfortunately, our criminal justice system sometimes fails to meet basic standards of fairness and justice. When the criminal justice system fails the accused, it also fails the victims, their families, and our communities at large.

Too often, innocent people are convicted of crimes they did not commit. The reasons for these miscarriages of justice include: flawed scientific evidence, erroneous eye witness identification, false confessions and false informants. Government misconduct and poor lawyering can also play a role. Every wrongful conviction weakens our criminal justice system. NMIJP collaborates with local attorneys in support of its mission to free innocent and wrongfully convicted New Mexicans and to strengthen our criminal justice system for everyone.

NMIJP works to prevent wrongful convictions by advocating for science-based  evidence and for policies that ensure fairness, equity, and fidelity to our Constitution. NMIJP’s mission includes educating the public, training practitioners, and partnering with law students to create an equitable criminal justice system.

Please support the work of the New Mexico Innocence and Justice Project, and simultaneously fulfill your requirement to donate to a worthy organization that provides legal services to persons of limited means in New Mexico.

New Mexico Legal Aid Low Income Taxpayer Clinic - Volunteers Needed

New Mexico Legal Aid seeks volunteer income tax attorneys (as well as CPAs and Enrolled Agents) to advise, assist and represent low income New Mexcians during their Low Income Taxpayer Clinic. For volunteers with little or no low-income tax experience, NM legal Aid provides a three-hour “Tax Boot Camp” training and materials. Each volunteer is paired with a LITC staff attorney who will be available to mentor and advise. Volunteers and others will also be invited to a free CLE on child-based tax credits.

Volunteer at: