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The State Bar of New Mexico's Lawyer Assistance Program (NM LAP) is a free confidential service for all members of the New Mexico legal community. This includes judges, attorneys, law students and legal professional staff. NM LAP offers confidential professional and peer assistance to help individuals identify and address struggles with alcohol and other drugs, depression, anxiety and other mental health/emotional disorders. NM LAP assists in reducing public harm caused by impaired members of the legal profession and helps improve the health and welfare of its members by educating on well-being and facilitating early intervention and treatment The NM LAP Committee was originally developed to assist lawyers who experienced addiction and substance abuse problems that interfered with their personal lives or their ability to serve professionally in the legal field. Over the years the NM LAP Committee has expanded their scope to include issues of depression, anxiety, and other mental and emotional disorders for members of the legal community. This committee continues to be of service to the New Mexico Lawyer Assistance Program and is a network of over 30 New Mexico judges, attorneys, and law students. The NM LAP Committee has regular quarterly meetings to discuss the improvement of current efforts and initiatives and the expansion of well-being education, resources and services. Our committee members are a diverse state-wide group of practicing and retired legal professionals. The meetings are held primarily in Albuquerque, but as of March 2020, have expanded to virtual meetings.
Staff: Pamela Moore Tenessa Eakins Co Chairs: The Honorable Joshua Allison Briggs F. Cheney, Esq. (Bcheney@DSC-law.com)
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