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Judicial Coaching Resource

The Judicial Coaching Resource began as a collaboration between the State Bar of New Mexico and Judge Sandra Engel (ret.) in the fall of 2020. We created a resource that would serve the judiciary as so many other industries have done in the coaching arena. Many tech firm professionals, entrepreneurs and now attorneys have experienced the benefits of having an executive coach, and we wanted to bring this valuable resource to the Judiciary as well.

We now have an active peer-to-peer confidential coaching resource where judges coach other judges around topics of executive leadership, professional development, work/life balance and many other topics. Nothing is off the table. The executive judicial coach partners with their client to help them overcome any obstacles in their path or to develop their strengths as a leader, work on team building with their staff, etc.

An executive coach is different from a mentor. The International Coaching Federation defines the coaching relationship as” partnering with clients in a thought provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential”.  Coaching is not advice giving. We have found that telling someone how you would handle a situation doesn’t necessarily fit that person’s style. Coaching can help them rely on their own skills, creativity, and resources to focus on what the best strategy would be to tackle whatever is in front of them. Sometimes, just hearing yourself think with a confidential partner can be of utmost importance in the grave and numerous situations that judges face every day.

An executive coach is also not a counselor. The coaching relationship does not diagnose or delve into the past behaviors or experiences of the client. The coach meets the client where they are now and moves them to where they would like to be. This partnership takes place with effective and reflective questioning and active listening.

For more information on how to obtain a judicial coach or if you are interested in becoming a judicial coach, please contact our Judicial Wellness Program (JWP) manager, Judge Sandra Engel (ret.) at