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Albuquerque Bar Association Samantha Adams, President PO Box 40 Albuquerque, NM 87103 505-720-3822 abqbar@abqbar.org www.abqbar.org Albuquerque Lawyers Club Yasmin Dennig, President PO Box 5800 Albuquerque, NM 87185 575-921-1597 alc@abqlawyers.org www.abqlawyers.org American Constitution Society for Law and Policy New Mexico Lawyer Chapter Russ Feingold, President 202-393-6181 info@ACSLaw.org hooman.hedayati@alumni.law.unm.edu https://www.acslaw.org/chapters/new-mexico-lawyer-chapter https://facebook.com/ACSNMLaywerChapter
Bar Association of the US District for the District of NM Frank Apodaca, President Albuquerque NM 87102 505-338-3945 fapodaca@saucedochavez.com Chaves County Bar Association Christopher Andrew Lauderman, President Carson Ryan LLC PO Box 1612 Roswell, NM 88202 575-291-7606 chris@carsonryan.com
Cibola County Bar Association Leslie R. Herbst, President 5935 Mesa Viento Rd NW Grants NM 87020-0637 505-285-4627 F 505-285-4629 herbstleslie@yahoo.com Colfax-Union County Bar Association Judith D. Cooper, President PO Box 572 Clayton NM 88415-0572 575-374-2993 F 575-374-8458 jcooper@plateautel.net Curry-Roosevelt County Bar Association Tye C. Harmon, President Harmon Barnett Morris PC 119 S. Main Street Clovis, NM 88101 575-763-0077 F 575-742-0077 tharmon@hbmlaw.org District Judges Association of New Mexico Inc Hon. Sam B. Sanchez, President 105 Albright St Ste H Taos NM 87571 575-758-3173 F 575-751-1281 sam_1949_2000@yahoo.com Eddy County Bar Association Jay L. Francis, President PO Box 1718 Carlsbad NM 88221 575-885-4171 F 575-885-1963 jay@lawyersnm.com
First Judicial District Bar Association Christopher Pommier, President PO Box 2825 Santa Fe NM 87504 1stjudicialassn@gmail.com
Fourth Judicial District Bar Association Mark A. Grano, President PO Box 1772 Gallup, NM 87305-1772 505-722-4463 F 505-425-7227 marcgrano@gmail.com Lea County Bar Association Mark Baraibar, President 1819 N Turner St Ste G Hobbs, NM 88240-3834 575-397-6551 F 575-393-2252 thelawyermark@gmail.com McKinley County Bar Association Patrick T. Mason, President PO Box 1772 Gallup NM 87305-1772 505-206-2630 F 505-722-2629 p.mason@milawfirm.net National Lawyers Guild, New Mexico Chapter Miguel Quintana, Contact Person 912 Girard Blvd NE PO Box 7040 Albuquerque, NM 87194 505-206-2630 mquintana1@law.unm.edu Navajo Nation Bar Association Yolanda Wauneka, Executive Director PO Box 690 Window Rock AZ 86515-0690 928-871-2211 F 928-871-2229 yolanda@navajolaw.info nnba@navajolaw.org New Mexico Black Lawyers Association Aja Brooks, President PO Box 26431 Albuquerque, NM 87125-6431 nmblacklawyers@gmail.com New Mexico Chapter of the Federal Bar Association
Joseph Randy Stevens II, President NM Court of Appeals 2211 Tucker NE Albuquerque, NM 87106 505-850-4888 coarkt@nmcourts.gov
New Mexico Criminal Defense Lawyers Association Richard Pugh, President Angelica Hall, President-Elect Cathy Ansheles, Executive Director PO Box 8324 Santa Fe, NM 87504 505-992-0050 info@nmcdla.org www.nmcdla.org New Mexico Defense Lawyers Association Christina L.G. Brennan, President 222 South Riverside Plaza, Ste 1870 Chicago, IL nmdefense@nmdla.org http://www.nmdla.org New Mexico District Attorneys Association Marcus Montoya, President 2929 Coors Blvd. NW, Ste 310 Albuquerque, NM 87120 505-827-3789 HValdez@da.state.nm.us New Mexico Hispanic Bar Association Jessica Terrazas, President c/o New Mexico Hispanic Bar Association PO Box 92860 Albuquerque, NM 87199-2860 505-514-1612 nmhispanicbar@gmail.com New Mexico Indian Bar Association Alicia Santos, President PO Box 92860 Albuquerque, NM 87199-2860 505-352-7802 nmiba1@gmail.com New Mexico LGBTQ Bar Association Gina Dennis, President Renee Lewis, Vice-President Attn: LGBTQ Bar Association PO Box 92860 Albuquerque NM 87199 505-209-3533 (Adriel) 505-726-4565 (Michelle) ginad@nmlegalaid.org reneeatty@gmail.com New Mexico Magistrate Judges Association Hon. Duane Castleberry, President 221 Pile Clovis, NM 88101 575-762-3766 F 575-769-1437 clomdkc@nmcourts.gov New Mexico Municipal Attorneys Association Harry S. Connelly Jr., Past President PO Box 20000 Las Cruces NM 88004-9002 575-541-2128 F 575-541-2017 harryc@las-cruces.org New Mexico Association of Counties Probate Judges Affiliate Hon. Christine Tenski, Chair 1104 N. White Sands Blvd., Suite C Alamogordo NM 87110 575-439-2730 F 575-443-2922 ctenski@co.otero.nm.us New Mexico Trial Lawyers Association Maria "Mia" Touchet, President 11909 Carlisle Blvd NE Albuquerque, NM 87102 505-243-9529 F 505-243-6099 nmtla@nmtla.org www.nmtla.org New Mexico Women’s Bar Association Laura Horton, Co-President Michelle Garcia, Co-President PO Box 92860 Albuquerque, NM 87199 505-880-3070 nmwba1990@gmail.com Kit Carman, Administrative Assistant kit.wba@gmail.com www.nmwba.org
Quay County Bar Association Thomas E. Blakeney, President PO Box 1141 Tucumcari, NM 88401 575-461-2075 F 575-641-3966 tblakeney@da.state.nm.us San Juan County Bar Association Shellie Patscheck, President 4000 East 30th St Farmington, NM 87402 505-326-6503 F 505-9822599- sap@505legal.com Sandoval County Bar Association Sean James Fitting 3200 City Center Cir NE Rio Rancho NM 87144 505-896-8385 F 505-891-5200 sfitting@ci.rio-rancho.nm.us Seventh Judicial District Bar Association Mark A. Filosa, President PO Box 391 Truth or Consequences NM 87901-0391 575-894-7161 F 575-894-7570 filosa@zianet.com Tonali Legal Alliance of Women, Inc. Beatriz V. Ferreira, President PO Box 14134 Las Cruces, NM 88013 575-524-1140 tonalilegal@yahoo.com Twelfth Judicial District Bar Association RoxeAnne Esquibel, President Stacy Haase, Vice President Rebekah Courvoisier, Treasurer Michael Eshleman, Secretary PO Box 914 Alamogordo, NM 88311 575-921-7706 nm12thbarassociation@gmail.com Valencia County Bar Association Geoff Nims, President PO Box 1089 Los Lunas, NM 87031 505-859-2894 laurel@lcarrierlaw.com
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Albuquerque Bar Association Samantha Adams, President PO Box 40 Albuquerque, NM 87103 505-314-1143 ewatson@cabq.gov www.abqbar.org Elections/Month in which leadership changes: December
Albuquerque Lawyers Club Yasmin Dennig, President PO Box 5800 Albuquerque, NM 87185 575-921-1597 ydennig@yahoo.com
American Bar Association Deborah Enix-Ross, President 321 North Clark St Chicago, IL 60654 312-988-5000 www.americanbar.org
American Constitution Society for Law and Policy New Mexico Lawyer Chapter 202-393-6181 info@ACSLaw.org https://www.acslaw.org/new-mexico-lawyer-chapter-2/ facebook.com/ACSNMLawyerChapter Bar Association of the U.S. District for the District of N.M. 333 Lomas Blvd NW, Ste 720 Albuquerque, NM 87102
Chaves County Bar Association Christopher Andrew Lauderman Carson Ryan LLC PO Box 1612 Roswell, NM 88202 575-291-7606 chris@carsonryan.com Cibola County Bar Association Leslie R. Herbst, President 5935 Mesa Viento Rd NW Grants, NM 87020-0637 505-285-4627 F 505-285-4629 herbstleslie@yahoo.com Colfax-Union County Bar Association Judith D. Cooper, President PO Box 572 Clayton, NM 88415-0572 575-374-2993 F 575-374-8458 jcooper@plateautel.net
Curry-Roosevelt County Bar Association Tye C. Harmon, President Harmon Barnett Morris, P.C. 119 S. Main Street Clovis, NM 88101 575-763-0077 F 575-742-0077 tharmon@hbmlaw.org
District Judges Association of New Mexico, Inc. Hon. Sam B. Sanchez, President 105 Albright St, Suite H Taos, NM 87571 575-758-3173 F 575-751-1281 sam_1949_2000@yahoo.com
Eddy County Bar Association Jay L. Francis, President PO Box 1718 Carlsbad, NM 88221 575-885-4171 F 575-885-1963 jay@lawyersnm.com
First Judicial District Bar Association Kathryn Becker, President PO Box 2825 Santa Fe, NM 87504 www.fjdba.org 1stjudicialassn@gmail.com Elections/Month in which leadership changes: January
Fourth Judicial District Bar Association Mark A. Grano, President PO Box 1772 Gallup, NM 87305-1772 505-722-4463 F 505-425-7227 marcgrano@gmail.com
Lea County Bar Association Mark Baraibar, President 1819 N Turner St Ste G Hobbs, NM 88240-3834 575-397-6551 F 575-393-2252 thelawyermark@gmail.com
McKinley County Bar Association Patrick T. Mason, President PO Box 1772 Gallup, NM 87305-1772 505-206-2630 F 505-722-2629 p.mason@milawfirm.net
National Lawyers Guild, New Mexico Chapter Miguel Quintana, Contact Person mquintana1@law.unm.edu
Navajo Nation Bar Association Yolanda Wauneka, Executive Director PO Box 690 Window Rock, AZ 86515-0690 928-871-2211 F 928-871-2229 yolanda@navajolaw.info navajolaw.info
New Mexico Black Lawyers Association Hope Pendleton, President PO Box 26431 Albuquerque, NM 87125-6431 nmblacklawyers@gmail.com Elections/Month in which leadership changes: May
New Mexico Chapter of the Federal Bar Association Joseph Randy Stevens, II, President 2211 Tucker NE Albuquerque, NM 87106 505-850-4888 coarkt@nmcourts.gov
New Mexico Criminal Defense Lawyers Association Jennifer Burrill, President Jonathan Ibarra, President-elect PO Box 8324 Santa Fe, NM 87504 505-992-0050 info@nmcdla.org www.nmcdla.org Elections/Month in which leadership changes: June
New Mexico Defense Lawyers Association Christina L. G. Brennan, President 222 South Riverside Plaza, Ste 1870 Chicago IL 60606 312-698-6207 nmdefense@nmdla.org http://www.nmdla.org Election/Month in which leadership changes: December
New Mexico District Attorneys Association Marcus Montoya, President 2929 Coors Blvd NW, Ste 310 Albuquerque, NM 87120 505-827-3789 nmdas.com/contact-us/
New Mexico Hispanic Bar Association Jessica Terrazas, President c/o New Mexico Hispanic Bar Association PO Box 92860 Albuquerque, NM 871499-2860 505-514-1612 nmhispanicbar@gmail.com Elections/Month in which leadership changes: July/August
New Mexico Indian Bar Association Alicia Santos, President PO Box 92860 Albuquerque, NM 87199-2860 505-352-7802 nmiba1@gmail.com
New Mexico LGBTQ+ Bar Association Renee Lewis, President Stephanie Welch, Vice President Greg Segura, Treasurer Derek Garcia, Secretary Attn: LGBTQ+ Bar Association PO Box 92860 Albuquerque, NM 87199 505-317-2700 (Renee) nmlgbtqbarassn@gmail.com reneeatty@gmail.com stephanie@nmpovertylaw.org New Mexico Magistrate Judges Association Hon. Duane Castleberry, President 221 Pile Clovis, NM 88101 575-762-3766 F 575-769-1437 clomdkc@nmcourts.gov
New Mexico Municipal Attorneys Association Harry S. Connelly Jr., Past President PO Box 20000 Las Cruces, NM 88004-9002 575-541-2128 F 575-541-2017 harryc@las-cruces.org New Mexico Trial Lawyers Association Maria “Mia” Touchet, President 11909 Carlisle Blvd NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 nmtla@nmtla.org www.nmtla.org
New Mexico Women’s Bar Association Laura Horton, Co-President Michelle Garcia, Co-President PO Box 92860 Albuquerque, NM 87199 505-880-3070 nmwba1990@gmail.com Kit Carman, Administrative Assistant kit.wba@gmail.com Elections/Month in which leadership changes: January 1 www.nmwba.org
Quay County Bar Association Thomas E. Blakeney, President PO Box 1141 Tucumcari, NM 88401 575-461-2075 F 575-641-3966 tblakeney@da.state.nm.us
San Juan County Bar Association Mark Curnutt, President 2713 E. 20th Street, Farmington, NM 87401 (505) 278-7320 mark@curnuttlaw.com
Seventh Judicial District Bar Association Mark A. Filosa, President PO Box 391 Truth or Consequences, NM 87901 575-894-7161 F 575-894-7570 filosa@zianet.com
Southern New Mexico Bar Association Margaret Strickland, President 100 N. Church St. Las Cruces, NM 88001 575-405-3124 Southern.NMbar@gmail.com
Twelfth Judicial District Bar Association RoxeAnne Esquibel, President PO Box 914 Alamogordo, NM 88311 575-921-7706 nm12thbarassociation@gmail.com
Valencia County Bar Association Geoff Nims, President PO Box 1089 Los Lunas, NM 87031 505-859-2894 lludgrn@nmcourts.gov