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Meryl Sutton - Paralegal Division Liaison

Meryl Sutton is a New Mexico native and graduated from the Paralegal Studies Program in January 2019. Following graduation, she accepted an internship with New Mexico Legal Aid and then accepted the position of Interim Pro Bono Coordinator. In June of 2020, Meryl transitioned into the position of VAP Paralegal. Meryl’s work focuses on providing access to justice to low-income New Mexican’s by recruiting private attorneys to represent her clients pro bono in various capacities. Meryl joined the State Bar Paralegal Division in 2021 and was elected Chair Elect in November 2022. Meryl also Chairs the Divisions Pro Bono Committee as it ties in with her work. In her free time, Meryl enjoys spending time with friends and family, watching documentaries, cooking and going to the opera.

Contact: 505-545-8554 •