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2025 Secretary-Treasurer Lucy H. Sinkular

Lucy H. Sinkular is a shareholder at Atkinson & Kelsey, P.A., in Albuquerque, where she limits her practice to family law matters. Admitted in 1994, Lucy comes from a family of lawyers and loves the law.  Lucy is passionate about New Mexicans’ access to justice and maintains an active pro bono case load in addition to her regular practice.  Lucy’s immediate family includes her husband Scott who is a scientist at NNSA, their daughter who is finishing graduate studies and their son who is an auditor in Denver. Lucy is also “mom” to one very spoiled pandemic puppy, Labrador retriever and his older sister, the rescued greyhound/Lab mix. Lucy serves as the Senior Warden for her Episcopal Church in Albuquerque. When not practicing law or volunteering for the Bar, Lucy can frequently be found with her husband pursuing outdoor hobbies of camping, running, cycling and hiking.

Contact: 505-210-7441 •