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Committee on Women and the Legal Profession

About the Committee on Women and the Legal Profession

The Committee on Women and the Legal Profession seeks to address issues adversely affecting female lawyers and judges and promotes systemic changes and opportunities to advance the role of women in the legal profession.

In 1991, the New Mexico Board of Bar Commissioners appointed a Women and the Legal Profession standing committee to evaluate and implement the recommendations of the Task Force on Women and the Legal Profession that had recently conducted a study. The study concluded that, while the law had made significant gains toward eliminating gender bias, bias still existed in the administration of the law and in the treatment of women as professionals.  

Since its inception, the Committee on Women and the Legal Profession has worked to address issues affecting female lawyers and judges and to monitor the substantive issues faced by New Mexican women served by the legal system. In addition to various educational and networking events, the Committee has drafted and helped pass gender-neutral legislation; created a #LawMom speaking series; organized a clothing closet to benefit UNM School of Law students; held numerous golf clinics and golf networking events for women; hosted financial literacy seminars; published the Ask Pat column in the New Mexico State Bar Bulletin; updated, printed, and distributed domestic violence assistance cards statewide; and hosted various CLEs on issues effecting women in the legal profession. 

Contact Member Services for More Information on the Committee

2019 Diversity Study Recap                                                  

Allison H. Block-Chavez


Upcoming Events

2025 Events

Beyond the Bar: Women Lawyers on Careers, Challenges and Confidence

Past Events

The CWLP held a member retreat on November 5, 2022 to explore goals and strategies to move our work forward. Read the resulting report by clicking on the button below.

Read the Report

The Committee has identified the following potential priorities:

  • Annual Justice Pamela B. Minzner Outstanding Advocacy for Women Award;
  • #Law Moms chats, support groups, services for lawyers with children;
  • Annual CLE with a focus on women in the legal profession;
  • Promotion of Family Friendly policies in New Mexico law firms;
  • Gender Equity Handbook for Courts and Pamphlet for pro se;
  • Professional Clothing Closet for law students and attorneys in need;
  • Other projects, initiatives and partnerships as suggested by members!

*Please share any barriers for attending on the RSVP such as childcare, transportation, etc. so that the Committee can take action to alleviate these in support of your participation.