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Annual Awards Previous Recipients

(All awards are limited to one recipient, whether living or deceased, per year.)

2024: George David Giddens, Jr.
2023: David J. Stout
2022: Michael P. Fricke
2021: Joey D. Moya
2020: Deborah S. Dungan
2019: John P. Burton
2018: Ruth O. Pregenzer
2017: Scott M. Curtis
2016: Hannah B. Best
2015: Jeffrey H. Albright
2014: Carol Skiba
2013: Ian Bezpalko
2012: John D. Robb, Jr.
2011: Mary T. Torres
2010: Dennis E. Jontz
2009: Randy J. Knudsen
2008: none
2007: Charles. J. Vigil
2006: Andrew G. Schultz; Norman S. Thayer
2005: Briggs F. Cheney
2004: Russell D. Mann
2003: Michael T. Murphy; Joyce Stowers
2002: James R. Crouch; UNM Dean Robert J. Desiderio; Jan B. Gilman-Tepper
2001: Raymond Hamilton; Henry F. Narvaez; Presiliano A. Torrez
2000: none
1999: Arturo L. Jaramillo; Farrell Lines; Martin B. Paskind; Edward R. Ricco
1998: Willliam Stratvert; Sarah M. Singleton
1997: Richard Civerolo
1996: Stanley C. Sager
1995: James L. Bruin
1994: Robert St. John
1993: Samuel W. Jones; Richard F. Rowley II
1992: none
1991: Hon. William R. Federici; Arturo G. Ortega
1990: Stuart D. Shanor
1989: Henry Weihofen
1988: Russell D. Mann; James E. Sperline
1987: James R. Crouch; Stanley C. Sager; Myer “Mike” Rosenberg
1986: Richard C. Civerolo; Paul A. Kastler
1985: George T. Harris; William A. Sloan; Robert S. Skinner
1984: Hon. Leon Karelitz; Marshall G. Martin; John F. McCarthy; Donald Moses
1983: James R. Crouch; Don. L. Dickason; Russell D. Mann; Paul W. Robinson
1982: none
1981: James T. Jennings; Don G. McCormick; Owen E. Marron

2024: Katina Watson
2023: Mary Galvez
2022: Juan Abeyta
2021: Bernice Ramos
2020: Renee Valdez
2019: Tiffany Corn
2018: Jim Jackson
2017: Cathy Ansheles
2016: Tina L. Kelbe
2015: Kim Posich
2014: Rear Admiral Jon Michael Barr (ret.)
2013: Hon. Buddy J. Hall
2012: Sandra Bauman
2011: David Smoak
2010: Robin Gomez
2009: Sally Saunders
2008: Carolyn L. Cochran
2007: John B. Arango; Karen Duprey; Bonita Ortiz; Amanda Wang
2006: none
2005: Kay L. Homan
2004: Michelle Giger
2003: Edwina Logan Hambor
2002: Carol Herrera; Louise Kodituwakku
2001: Garry Spencer; Harold Daum
2000: Arturo G. Bastidos; Dorothy S. Peters
1999: John Arango
1998: Sue Ann Waits
1997: Terry Boulanger; Richard Montoya
1996: Katherine R. Davenport; Peggy B. Jones
1995: none
1994: Noel Fletcher; Donna Winchester
1993: Jennifer Bean
1992: Virginia Sears
1991: Carrie Cloutier; Mary Gordon Cross Giblin
1990: Linda L. McDonald
1989: Phyllis Hill; Joseph Jolly
1988: Rose Marie Alderety; Dr. David Townsend
1987: Katherine R. Davenport
1986: none
1985: Judy A. Zanotti
1984: Olive Brinkman
1983: Louise R. Camp; Estella Gillen; Lola McFerrin; Kathryn G. Nauyok
1982: Katherine R. Davenport; Mary Martinez; Jean Willis

2024: Briggs F. Cheney
2023: Joy Applewhite
2022: Pamela Moore

2024: M. Mitchell Moss
2023: Justice Edward L. Chavez
2022: Judge James J. Wechsler, Quentin P. Ray
2021: Frederick M. Hart (posthumously), F. Michael Hart
2020: William D. Slease
2019: Hon. Stan Whitaker
2018: Charles J. Vigil
2017: Hon. Elizabeth E. Whitefield
2016: Arturo L. Jaramillo
2015: S. Thomas Overstreet
2014: Catherine T. Goldberg
2013: Cas F. Tabor
2012: Henry A. Kelly
2011: Hon. Angela J. Jewell
2010: Raymond Hamilton
2009: John P. Salazar
2008: Thomas D. Haines, Jr.; Michael Schwarz
2007: Justice Pamela B. Minzner
2006: Graham Browne; Alice Tomlinson-Lorenz
2005: John G. Baugh; Lawrence M. Pickett; Lowell Stout
2004: Toby Grossman; Joseph P. Paone
2003: William S. Dixon; Richard L. Gerding
2002: Paul A. Kastler; Hon. Neil P. Mertz; Betty Read
2001: Felix Briones, Jr.
2000: James C. Ritchie; Rozier E. Sanchez; Stuart D. Shanor
1999: Joseph J. Mullins; Robert E. Sabin; Matias A. Zamora
1998: Hon. Oliver Seth; Stephen Bowen
1997: Stanley C. Sager
1996: T.K. Campbell; Hon. William R. Federici
1995: Russell D. Mann
1994: Hon. Howard C. Bratton; Ruth C. Streeter
1993: Hon. Seth D. Montgomery; Donald Moses
1992: Arturo G. Ortega; Hon. Mary C. Walters
1991: Robert C. Poole; Charles M. Tansey
1990: Myer “Mike” Rosenberg
1989: Gino J. Matteucci; Hon. Leon Karelitz
1988: Robert M. Botts

(Merged Outstanding Local/Voluntary Bar and Outstanding Program Awards in 2009)

2024: American Indian Law Center PLSI Judicial Clerkship Committee
2023: Judicial Branch IT Staff
2022: Pueblo of Pojoaque Path to Wellness Court, Intellectual Property Law Section
Pro Bono Fair
2021: New Mexico Center on Law and Poverty
2020: New Mexico Immigrant Law Center
2019: Second Judicial District Court Judicial Supervision and Diversion Program
2018: Family Support Services Program
2017: Young Lawyers Division Wills for Heroes Program
2016: Self Help Center at the Third Judicial District Court
2015: Pegasus Legal Services for Children
2014: Corinne Wolfe Children’s Law Center
2013: Divorce Options Workshop
2012: United South Broadway Corporation Fair Lending Center
2011: NM Hispanic Bar
2010: UNM School of Law Clinical Law Programs
2009: NM High School Mock Trial Program
2008: San Juan County Bar
2007: Chaves County Bar
2006: NM Black Lawyers
2005: Sandoval County Bar
2004: San Juan County Bar
2003: Colfax-Union County Bar
2002: Colfax-Union County Bar; Curry-Roosevelt County Bar
2001: none
2000: none
1999: Chaves County Bar; Lea County Bar
1998: Eddy County Bar
1997: San Juan County Bar
1996: First Judicial District Bar; Chaves County Bar
1995: none
1994: none
1993: Seventh Judicial District Bar
1992: Chaves County Bar; Seventh Judicial District Bar
1991: Seventh Judicial District Bar
1990: Chaves County Bar; First Judicial District Bar; Otero County Bar
1989: Eddy County Bar; Valencia County Bar
1988: Otero County Bar
1987: Chaves County Bar; Fourth Judicial District Bar
1986: Albuquerque Bar
1985: Colfax-Union County Bar

(Merged with Outstanding Local/Voluntary Bar Award in 2009 and renamed Outstanding Legal Organization or Program Award)

2008: None
2007: Albuquerque Bar Association Law Day Program
2006: Consumer Issues Workshops
2005: NM Hispanic Bar Scholarship Program
2004: Lawyers Assistance Program
2003: Consumer Debt Workshops
2002: Consumer Attorney Assistance Program (CAAP); Cross-Cultural Exchange
2001: Lawyers Care Referral Program; Southwest Bench & Bar Conference; Summer Law Clerk Program
2000: KOB-TV Lawline 4; NM Trial Lawyers; YLD FEMA Program;
1999: Attorney-Client Fee Arbitration Program; Bridge the Gap Program; First Judicial District Pro Se Challenge Project
1998: Lawyer Referral for the Elderly Program
1997: ANLIR-SBNM Lawyers Malpractice Insurance Committee
1996: “Ask-a-Lawyer” Law Day Call-in Program; Today’s Law School

2024: Cameron S. Bush
2023: Shasta N. Inman
2022: Lauren E. Riley
2021: Maslyn K. Locke
2020: Veronica C. Gonzales-Zamora
2019: Rebekah Reyes
2018: Shammara Haley Henderson
2017: Spencer L. Edelman
2016: Denise M. Chanez
2015: Tania S. Silva
2014: Marshall J. Ray
2013: Greg L. Gambill
2012: Robert L. Lucero, Jr.
2011: Keya Koul
2010: Christina A. Vigil
2009: Clara Moran
2008: Marcus J. Rael, Jr.; Vincent J. Ward
2007: Diandra D. Benally; Carlos Fierro
2006: Hector H. Balderas
2005: Morris J. “Mo” Chavez
2004: Brian S. Colon
2003: Roxanna M. Chacon
2002: H. Nicole Schamban
2001: Trent A. Howell
2000: Devon Fooks
1999: Jeffrey H. Albright; Christopher Hassan
1998: Stacey A. Klein
1997: Jerry P. Cantwell

2024: Ronald T. Taylor
2023: Ella Joan Fenoglio
2022: Darlene T. Gomez
2021: Torri A. Jacobus
2020: Julia H. Barnes
2019: Robert J. Andreotti
2018: Susan E. Page
2017: Stephen C. M. Long
2016: Billy K. Burgett
2015: Robert M. Bristol
2014: Erin A. Olson
2013: None
2012: Jared G. Kallunki
2011: Alan Wainwright
2010: Ronald E. Holmes
2009: Ben A. Longwill
2008: Matthew T. Byers
2007: Laurie A. Hedrich
2006: none
2005: Steve H. Mazer
2004: Sage and Burks, P.C.
2003: Albert W. Schimmel, III
2002: Nicholas T. Leger
2001: none
2000: Cristen Conley; Barbara V. Johnson; James T. Locatelli
1999: none
1998: William M. Casey
1997: John M. Roybal
1996: Farrell L. Lines
1995: Steven S. Michel
1994: John D. Robb
1993: John Higgins
1992: Antonio V. Silva
1991: Stanley Sager
1990: John F. McCarthy Jr.
1989: Colfax County Bar
1988: Harold O. Gore
1987: M. Rosenberg
1986: David L. Mathews

2024: Judge Robert H. Scott
2023: Judge Lorenzo F. Garcia
2022: Judge Henry A. Alaniz
2021: Judge Mary W. Rosner
2020: Hon. Alvin Jones (posthumously)
2019: Hon. Nan G. Nash
2018: Justice Charles W. Daniels
2017: Hon. Michael D. Bustamante
2016: Justice Richard B. Bosson
2015: Hon. Cynthia A. Fry
2014: Hon. Rozier E. Sanchez
2013: Hon. Bruce D. Black
2012: Justice Patricio M. Serna
2011: Hon. Jerald A. Valentine
2010: Hon. James A. Hall
2009: Hon. Mark B. McFeeley
2008: Hon. A. Joseph Alarid; Hon. Lynn Pickard
2007: Hon. David W. Bonem
2006: Hon. Peggy J. Nelson
2005: none
2004: Hon. Frank H. Allen, Jr.
2003: Justice Gene E. Franchini
2002: Justice Joseph F. Baca
2001: Hon. Rudy S. Apodaca
2000: Hon. Thomas A. Donnelly
1999: Hon. Robert M. Doughty II
1998: Hon. Benny E. Flores; Hon. Steve Herrera
1997: Justice Richard E. Ransom
1996: Hon. Stanley F. Frost; Hon. Oliver Seth